Monday, September 12, 2005

sophia church of God

we had visited congregations in need -- i had heard that the Sophia congregation was the church with the most challenges, the one we could help immediately. i don't know what i expected, but what i saw was not what my mind had imagined

we had followed the paved roads until they ended, but the houses continued. we continued down little dirt roads even though it was obvious the sewage ditches had ceased--the houses still continued, with matching little outhouses. we continued down ever narrowing dirt roads into a larger community missing the array of utility wires we had grown accustomed to seeing in Georgetown. we were in Sophia, a new community scheduled to receive water, sewage, and power lines soon.

our guiding pastor told the driver to stop. even he was confused, "here?" he asked. "right here," pastor Ronda Abrams said with a laugh. (she said before the dirt roads came she would have to walk from the city into this community, and usually ended up quite muddy before she arrived to lead the new congregation there.)

we got out to cross a little make shift bridge to walk through a pasture that was in the middle of this community. this pasture was to be a roadway soon. we went to the end of the pasture road and turned right down a similar pasture road. then we came to the church building...thankfully the Church is the people, not the structure -- because the structure was in need

the church house had to be moved because it was too close to the coming progress. in the moving, it suffered additional structural damage. the walls were separating from the floors, there were increasing gaps in the walls. once inside, there were little ants scurrying along the floor also trying to avoid the holes. a strange little nest of strange tiny wasps was being constructed in the middle of the roof. two long benches lined the back wall, while a short bench lined the adjoining wall next to the doorway. a table and pulpit were at the front, and we were in the church house

in our amazement, Pastor Ronda went down the pasture road without our notice. she returned with church members from the community who came in with crystal glasses, sandwiches, and homemade passion fruit and mango juice. they came with smiles and served us in the heat--humbling our hearts. we were the ones that had so much to give, yet we were the ones receiving.

we're planning to return to Sophia -- we're planning to give toward purchasing their lot and another (what will form one corner of a main intersection in this community); and to give toward the materials needed to build a new multi-purpose community centered church. we're planning to return and help supply some of the labor.

would you like to join us? we can be partners in something great for the Kingdom of Light to dispel the darkness in this new community


Gina said...

Enjoyed reading your blog. tfs

Andy said...

Hey Ken,
The latest SPAM on the web is hitting blog comments sections. You can delete them by clicking on the little trash can below the comment.

We are so excited to see God in Guyana and what He is doing with Sixth Avenue. May you continue to serve, love, and pray for His glory!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear that everything went well, especially that everything worked out OK for Allison! I'd love to come up to Decatur sometime and hear more about your experiences!

Anonymous said...

hi there it was such a joy to have ken, kelie and alison come and share with us here in guyana. we trust that you will be interested enoguh to join them when the next come back to guyana.
perhaps you you may want to partner with them to continue what they started. a warm guyanese welcome awaits any of our brothers and sisters who wish to come and share with us their, time and talents and whatever else the lord would have you share. guyana a place of six races and lots of hospitality.
come soon!
nuff loveeeeeeeeeeeee
rev. colin s. edghill, chairman of the general assembly church of god guyana.

Anonymous said...

hi there. a happy new year to you all. ken is planing his next trip in july 2006 to bring much be needed help for the sophia church of god. i encourage you to partner with him. you can give, pray or come, better yet pray, give and come.

rev. colin s. edghill, chairman of the general assembly of the church of god in guyana.