Tuesday, November 24, 2009

2009 Christmas Wish List

some ideas for your gift giving and wish list consideration...

first, let me begin by saying that i distinguish between a wish and a prayer -- a wish is merely a hope that may be frivolous that i'd like someone to surprise me with; on the other hand, in prayer, i release my hope for God to fulfill.

this Christmas, i pray for peace for my friends ministering in the Philippines after all the rain and tsunami's they've incurred. i pray for health for Ms Jane, and Sarah, and Ken W, and so many others who've seen difficulty and scares increase within their current health. i pray for greater ability and resources to fulfill our mission to Touch the World for Christ--like a jet :) - but that could also be a wish, so it's in the box, too.

as for wishes, here's a few recommendations for you in giving or in seeking to receive:
  1. the ESV Study Bible - i believe Andrew (our Worship leader) got one of these early, but it looks like it has great reference and study helps for really getting into the Scripture, along with a translation that is a nice mix of the literal and thematic
  2. Bill Hybel's 2007 release of Holy Discontent was a great read for our staff in recent weeks -- it's great for anyone who in their desire for following Christ may feel that they're missing something. and, at $1.99 at Christianbook.com, it'll make a great stocking stuffer :)
  3. Donald Miller's book Blue Like Jazz is growing in popularity as a new classic. His wit and honesty are refreshing as he confesses his way into leading the reader to re-think faith in Christ and the application of His teachings in our complicated world--i've found it to be widely appreciated by those young adults who are struggling with their faith or the current "traditional" church
  4. Donald Miller's latest book A Million Miles In A Thousand Years is what Keli and i are currently reading--it begins slow, and random, and suddenly builds with reflective confessions of what it means to live a "good story" according to the design of the "author and perfector of our faith" (Hebrews 12:2).
as for me, i have all the above, but there are a couple of reads i've been hoping to get to...
  • Made to Stick by Chip Heath looks like it will be helpful for developing and articulating vision and strategy
  • and i find Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell increasingly quoted by different leaders
i know, that's a pretty boring wish list -- no video games or gadgets, nothing that requires batteries (outside of the airliner), no mind numbing entertainment.

but, look on the bright side: no calories, no worry of breaking, no confusing instructions for assembly, you don't have to worry if it fits, and you won't even have to fight the Black Friday mobs if you buy online.

no matter what your Christmas wish or prayer, may you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, a blessed Christmas, and a faith-filled New Year!

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