Monday, April 11, 2005

Bobby, part 3

the next day, i pulled up in front of Bobby's house and walked up to his door. as i knocked, i could see him there, still mostly naked, still drunk, still nearly passed out on that dingy couch -- but he wasn't the big, angry man to me any more

he maustered enough strength to let me in -- he just stared at me for a few minutes as he layed back down on the couch. he extended his hand to me, and as i clasped his to shake it he said, i love you man. i knew you'd be back.

i asked if he wanted me to keep reading the Bible, he said yes and to go get it

i went and picked it up from the closet, came back and began to read and explain from John again. he asked me to pray for him, for his cancer that was in his colon and prostate, and for him to find forgiveness. i took his hands and prayed for him

as i put his Bible back, he asked if i would be back. i said yes, tomorrow. he said, i know -- i prayed for God to send someone and he sent you

and i was back each day, reading the Gospel of John and praying with Bobby. talking about forgivness and the fullness of life

after a couple of weeks, Bobby would be sitting at his table waiting for me with the Bible open. he would even put on a shirt when i came around.

after another few weeks, Bobby prayed with me for forgiveness

after another few weeks, he got rid of that couch, and began cleaning up his apartment and opening up the windows to let light in

then, 'friends' started to bring Bobby things to drink. sometimes he turned them away, sometimes they got the better of him

he would let me back in, tearfully repenting and asking me not to give up, not to stop coming, but to pray for him again. we started talking about self-control, prayer, and the Holy Spirit who could help him find victory over sin in his life. i taught him the Lord's prayer and got him a framed copy of it in his house so he could remember to pray it and to let that prayer help him pray

after a couple of months, Bobby started going to church with his family again, and one Sunday, he says he got saved "for real" by making a public confession at the altar of his church. we were so excited.

he was scheduled to be baptized shortly thereafter, and i excused myself from our church to be there, to take pictures and to be the shouting, cheering freak when he went into the water and came back out. i got him a cross plaque with John 3:16 inscribed on it to celebrate--he went home and hung it on his wall next to the Lord's prayer (and the Elvis clock someone had given him)

while i was gone this March, more friends came to bring him a drink -- he was drunk for a few days. this time, it really took its toll. though he sobered up and was clean by the time i got to him, he was at half strength. he could hardly stand, barely walk, and couldn't stop shaking.

yesterday, my phone rang and i saw the caller id as Bobby's neighbor Mildred who we had also begun to serve and love. she said pastor ken, you need to get over here, Bobby's just died.

i couldn't believe it--i didn't want to, but i knew it was true.

i got there and saw many of the community outside his door or their own as the red and blue lights of a patrol car flashed. Mildred was on her porch and gave me a half smile. Bobby's friends and 'friends' sat outside of his door as police looked through his place. they let me in to fill in some blanks, and to help search for his identification. during the search, i saw him--like i had first saw him. lying mostly naked on the floor next to his bed --not Bobby, but the shell of the man i once knew.

Bobby's sisters came once i went back outside. i greeted them with a hug, his brothers with a handshake. they called me again last night to ask me to preach his funeral. it will be an honor above any i've held

one year ago, Bobby cried out for mercy. God heard that prayer, and he sent me. now i trust Bobby is in far better care with much better follow-up than i could ever give. this former contractor may get the bid on my mansion, if not, i hope i'm a neighbor

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